Lineone is a multipurpose Admin and Webapp UI Kit based on Utility-first CSS framework TailwindCSS 3+ . It's also includes a multitude of reusable elements, components, layouts, forms, dashboards and webapps that you can use in your project. Lineone is a powerful, ultra responsive, modern, and flexible UI Kit that can be used to build any modern web application, including a SaaS based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard, CRM, CMS, LMS, e-commerce panel and etc.
General Features
- Dark & Light Layouts
- Monochrome Mode
- Ultra Responsive Layouts
- Modular architecture
- Fast Performance
- Multiple Layouts
- Form Layouts
- Lightweight Dependencies
- Creative Widgets
- Advanced Tables
- Easy Customization
- Well Documented
- Laravel Mix & Webpack Build Tools
- Beautiful Elements & Components
- Pre-built Apps (Chat, Mail, Kanban, Todo, Filemanager, etc )
- Pre-built Pages (Help, Sign-in, Sign-up, errors, etc)
- Powerful Dashboards (Sales, Analytics, Orders, Banking, Crypto, LMS, Doctor)
- Javascript
- Tailwind CSS v3
- Alpine JS (For AlpineJS Edition)
The following tools are required to customize the template:
- A good text editor or IDE like VS Code or Webstorm
- A modern web browser
- NodeJs and Javascript package manager (npm or yarn) installed in the machine
- Good HTML, CSS, Javascript knowledge